Harmonizing Humanity one circle at a time

an emergent way of gathering
an emergent act of communion
an emergent musical genre
⦿ reclaiming our innate musicality
⦿ rekindling collective creativity
⦿ reconnecting with age old wisdom & traditions
A practice of becoming music together...
... collective creative flow in
tune with nature, self,
one another, and "the other"

An act of creative becoming...
FLUX Circles are transcendental and transformational co-created experiences. They are a celebration of our shared aspirations through the magical rapture of spontaneous, self-generating, fluid creativity; poetry performance, ritual, prayer, story, song and dance...
⦿ In circle we conjure "communitas" - an exceptional state of togetherness, through which we experience profound unity, belonging and collective possibility.
⦿ In circle we create an artistic sanctuary - a safe and compassionate space for individual and collective healing, therapeutic dialogue and psychomagical creative expression.
⦿ In circle we cultivate "humanitas" - the skills, knowledge and sensitivity that allow us to co-create shared realities; deep trust, a sense of “the whole”, and collective imagination.
… a living metaphor for humanity in harmony
A testament to how beautiful we can make it
A wealth of community-driven creativity: moments of collective musical magic, bursts of creative flow, instants of sublime oneness, as well as interviews and educational resources...

“It’s the ‘boiler room’ of medicine music.”
“FLUX has certainly helped me to grow, expand and thrive - both as a creative and as a human”.
"Vibrant, interactive experiences that transcend traditional entertainment.”
"Bringing people together, breaking barriers, and fostering authentic engagement.”
"Unforgettable feeling of connection."
“So much beauty. The people, the music, the collective emotion.”
“Absolutely magical.”
"Truly transcendental and transformational."

Co-creating a "VIBE" that's irresistibly human: authentic, organic, community-driven...
... carefully cultivated to spread far and wide
Community-driven placemaking
Circles are a "hearth" for movements, causes and communities - a meeting space and playground for culture (creative expression) to nourish culture (beliefs and behaviours).
They serve as a:
⦿ community epicenter:
a haven for resonant individuals to connect, relate, and explore collaboration.
⦿ modern-day agora:
where ideas, perspectives and visions are shared and nurtured through creative sense-making and multi-disciplinary dialogue.

... into a wealth of multidimensional media and inspiring content
Synesthaesic conversations that weave:
⦿ audacious activism
⦿ bold entrepreneurship
⦿ sublime poetry
⦿ ancestral wisdom
⦿ regenerative narratives
⦿ magical music

Retreats and trainings
FLUX is a practice. The skills can be learned and mastered. We offer online and IRL opportunities to develop the different faculties and disciplines needed to hold space, build community, facilitate collective creativity, and expand an understanding of the social applications of music and the arts.

FLUX for Organizations & Events
Creating exceptional togetherness,
accelerating community and
upgrading organizational culture
through musical co-creation
Jurgis Didžiulis (aka Jurgis DID) is a transformational troubadour, community activator and professional speaker.
⦿ 10+ years experience
⦿ 900+ interactions
⦿ countless companies, teams & organizations
Main orchestrator:

Harmonizing Humanity one circle at a time
an emergent way of gathering
an emergent act of communion
an emergent musical genre
⦿ reclaiming our innate musicality
⦿ rekindling collective creativity
⦿ reconnecting with age old wisdom & traditions
A practice of becoming music together...

... collective creative flow in tune with nature, self, one another, and "one other"

An act of creative becoming...
FLUX Circles are transcendental and transformational co-created experiences. They are a celebration of our shared aspirations through the magical rapture of spontaneous, self-generating, fluid creativity; poetry, performance, ritual, prayer, story, song and dance...
⦿ In circle we conjure "communitas" - an exceptional state of togetherness, through which we experience profound unity, belonging and collective possibility.
⦿ In circle we create an artistic sanctuary - a safe and compassionate space for individual and collective healing, therapeutic dialogue and psychomagical creative expression.
⦿ In circle we cultivate "humanitas" - the skills, knowledge and sensitivity that allow us to co-create shared realities; deep trust, a sense of “the whole”, and collective imagination.
… a living metaphor for humanity in harmony
A testament to how beautiful we can make it
A wealth of community-driven creativity: moments of collective musical magic, bursts of creative flow, instants of sublime oneness, as well as interviews and educational resources...

“It’s the ‘boiler room’ of medicine music.”
“FLUX has certainly helped me to grow, expand and thrive - both as a creative and as a human”.
"Vibrant, interactive experiences that transcend traditional entertainment.”
"Bringing people together, breaking barriers, and fostering authentic engagement.”
"Unforgettable feeling of connection."
“So much beauty. The people, the music, the collective emotion.”
“Absolutely magical.”
"Truly transcendental and transformational."

Co-creating a "VIBE" that's irresistibly human: authentic, organic, community-driven...
... carefully cultivated to spread far and wide
Community-driven placemaking
Circles are a "hearth" for movements, causes, and communities - a meeting space and playground for culture (creative expression) to nourish culture (beliefs and behaviours).
They serve as a:
⦿ community epicenter:
a haven for resonant individuals to connect, relate, and explore collaboration.
⦿ modern-day agora:
where ideas, perspectives and visions are shared and nurtured through creative sense-making and multi-disciplinary dialogue.

... into a wealth of multidimensional
media and inspiring content
⦿ magical music
⦿ audacious activism
⦿ bold entrepreneurship
⦿ sublime poetry
⦿ ancestral wisdom
⦿ regenerative narratives
Synesthaesic conversations that weave...

Retreats and trainings
FLUX is a practice. The skills can be learned and mastered. We offer online and IRL opportunities to develop the different faculties and disciplines needed to hold space, build community, facilitate collective creativity, and expand an understanding of the social applications of music and the arts.

FLUX for Organizations & Events
Creating exceptional togetherness,
accelerating community and
upgrading organizational culture
through musical co-creation
⦿ 10+ years experience
⦿ 900+ interactions
⦿ countless companies, teams & organizations
Jurgis Didžiulis (aka Jurgis DID) is a transformational troubadour, community activator and professional speaker.
Main orchestrator:
